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Link to Research Interests First Name Last Name Degree* Institution for Degree Title
Jonathan Abel PHD Princeton University Associate Prof. of Comparative Literature and Japanese
Magali Armillas-Tiseyra PHD New York University Assistant Prof. of Comparative Literature
Mary Barnard PHD University Of Michigan At Ann Arbor Prof. of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Patrick Cheney PHD University of Toronto Edwin Erle Sparks Prof. of English and Comparative Literature
Jonathan Eburne PHD University Of Pennsylvania Professor
  Caroline Eckhardt PHD University Of Michigan At Ann Arbor Prof. of Comparative Literature and English
Robert Edwards PHD University Of California Riverside Edwin Erle Sparks Prof. of English and Comparative Literature
  Nergis Erturk PHD Columbia University Associate Prof. of Comparative Literature
Charlotte Eubanks PHD University Of Colorado Associate Prof. of Comparative Literature, Japanese, and Asian Studies
Eric Hayot PHD University Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Distinguished Prof. of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies
Rosemary Jolly PHD University of Toronto Prof. of Comparative Literature, English, Bioethics, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and African Studies
Sophia McClennen PHD Duke University Prof. of Comparative Literature and International Affairs
  Irina Mikaelian PHD Universite De Provence Senior Lecturer
Michael Naydan PHD Columbia University Woskob Prof. of Ukrainian Studies
John Ochoa PHD Yale University Prof. of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Shuang Shen PHD City College,City University Of New York Associate Prof. of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies
Scott Smith PHD University Of Notre Dame Associate Prof. of English and Comparative Literature
Nicolai Volland PHD Heidelberg University Associate Prof. of Asian Studies
Adrian Wanner PHD Columbia University Prof. of Russian and Comparative Literature
Anna Ziajka Stanton PHD University Of Texas At Austin Assistant Prof. of Comparative Literature

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