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Link to Research Interests First Name Last Name Degree* Institution for Degree Title
Guoray Cai PHD University Of Pittsburgh Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology, Geography, and Computer Science and Engineering
Jack Carroll PHD Columbia University Distinguished Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
  Shawn Clark PHD Pennsylvania State University Clinical Professor
Fred Fonseca PHD University Of Maine At Orono Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology; Affiliate Assistant Professor of Geography
  David Fusco EDD Drexel University Associate Teaching Professor
  Nick Giacobe PHD Pennsylvania State University Assistant Teaching Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
  Edward Glantz PHD Pennsylvania State University Teaching Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Jacob Graham MA University Of Oklahoma Prof. of Practice in Information Sciences and Technology
  Steven Haynes PHD London School Of Economics Teaching Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
  Michael Hills PHD Pennsylvania State University Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Vasant Honavar PHD University Of Wisconsin-Madison Prof. and Edward Frymoyer Chair of Information Sciences and Technology and Bioinformatics and Genomics; Affiliate Professor of Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Abdullah Konak PHD University Of Pittsburgh Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Sadan Kulturel-Konak PHD Auburn University Prof. of Management Information Systems
Dongwon Lee PHD University Of California Los Angeles Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology; Computer Science and Engineering
Peng Liu PHD George Mason University Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Carleen Maitland PHD Delft University Of Technology Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Scarlett Miller PHD University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champai Prof. and Director of Center for Research in Design and Innovation
Mahdi Nasereddin PHD University Of Central Florida Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Frank Ritter PHD Carnegie-Mellon University Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology, Psychology, and Computer Science and Engineering
Ling Rothrock PHD Georgia Institute Of Technology Professor
Tim Ryan PHD University Of Texas At Austin Associate Prof. of Anthropology
Jungwoo Ryoo PHD University Of Kansas Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Donald Shemanski JD Georgetown University Prof. of Practice in Information Sciences and Technology
Anna Squicciarini PHD University Of Milan Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Andrea Tapia PHD University Of New Mexico Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
James Wang PHD Stanford University Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology; Affiliate Professor of Integrative Biosciences and Computer Science and Engineering
Dinghao Wu PHD Princeton University Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Lynette Yarger PHD Georgia State University Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
John Yen PHD University Of California Berkeley Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology and Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
Luke Zhang PHD University Of Michigan At Ann Arbor Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Sencun Zhu PHD George Mason University Associate Prof. of Computer Science and Engineering, and Information Sciences and Technology
Link to Research Interests First Name Last Name Degree* Institution for Degree Title
Guoray Cai PHD University Of Pittsburgh Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology, Geography, and Computer Science and Engineering
  Nick Giacobe PHD Pennsylvania State University Assistant Teaching Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
  Edward Glantz PHD Pennsylvania State University Teaching Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Dongwon Lee PHD University Of California Los Angeles Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology; Computer Science and Engineering
Peng Liu PHD George Mason University Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
  Rosalie Ocker PHD Rutgers, State University Of New Jersey Director, Center for Enterprise Architecture; Senior Lecturer in Information Sciences and Technology
Jungwoo Ryoo PHD University Of Kansas Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Donald Shemanski JD Georgetown University Prof. of Practice in Information Sciences and Technology
Dinghao Wu PHD Princeton University Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology
Luke Zhang PHD University Of Michigan At Ann Arbor Associate Prof. of Information Sciences and Technology

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