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Link to Research Interests First Name Last Name Degree* Institution for Degree Title
Sydney Axson PHD University Of Pennsylvania Assistant Professor
Michael Berube PHD University Of Virginia Edwin Erle Sparks Prof. of Literature
Barbara Birriel PHD Pennsylvania State University Assistant Research Professor
Laura Cabrera PHD Charles Sturt University Associate Professor
Greg Eghigian PHD University Of Chicago Prof. of History
Leland Glenna PHD University Of Missouri, Columbia Prof. of Rural Sociology, and Science, Technology, and Society
Michael Green MD University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champai Professor
Bernice Hausman PHD University Of Iowa Professor
Rosemary Jolly PHD University of Toronto Prof. of Comparative Literature, English, Bioethics, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and African Studies
Karen Keifer-Boyd PHD University Of Oregon Prof. of Art Education and Women's Studies
Benjamin Levi PHD University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champai Prof. of Pediatrics and Humanities
Susan Loeb PHD Pennsylvania State University Prof. of Nursing
Francisco Javier Lopez Frias PHD University Of Valencia Associate Prof. of Kinesiology and Philosophy
Jonathan Marks JD University Of Oxford Associate Prof. of Bioethics, Humanities, and Law
Eduardo Mendieta PHD The New School Prof. of Philosophy
Sarah Miller PHD Suny At Stony Brook Associate Prof. of Philosophy
Dennis Scanlon PHD University Of Michigan At Ann Arbor Prof. of Health Policy and Administration
  Erich Schienke PHD Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Assistant Teaching Prof. of Energy and Mineral Engineering
Rachel Smith PHD Michigan State University Liberal Arts Prof. of Communication Arts and Sciences, and Human Development and Family Studies
Nancy Tuana PHD University Of California Berkeley DuPont/Class of '49 Prof. of Philosophy, Women's Studies, and Science, Technology, and Society
Jennifer Wagner PHD Pennsylvania State University Assistant Professor

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